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Claudia Faraone is an architect (2004, IUAV Venezia), European PhD in Territorial Policies and Local Project (2011, RomaTre, LAA|ENSA Paris La Villette), post-graduate at EMU - European Postgraduate masters’ degree in Urbanism (2007, UPC Barcellona, TU Delft e KU Leuven). Since 2004 she has been participating and organizing several workshops, research projects, exhibitions and audio-visual productions dealing with urban explorations and cultures of production of urban space and its practices. In this perspective she dealt with research enquiries and proposals for great urban landscape transformations, such as changing territories after natural disasters (Skopje and L’Aquila) and after socio-economic transformations (Veneto region and Rome). Since 2005 she collaborated as teaching assistant at IUAV Architecture University of Venice, RomaTre University, and at Advanced Course of Visual Arts at Fondazione Ratti in Como. She was research fellow within FIRB2008|LUS-Living Urban Scape research project and FSE program at IUAV and visiting research fellow at Ghent University and UEL London University. Besides research activities she has been involved in studio practices and public offices. She is founding member of ETICity - Exploring Territories, Imagining the City.